Our Location G-4, First Floor, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, 110016, India

Disclaimer & Privacy policy


The information on this website is for information purposes only. All content on the website is offered in good faith. MaxMuellerInstitute ensuring that anything found on the website is current, accurate, and correct. Users can conduct their own research before relying on the same. MaxMuellerInstitute makes no guarantees about the information provided and disclaims all liability for any loss or harm, indirect or consequential loss or damage, resulting from the use of the material and information on this website.

Design, Images, Contents, Forms, Courses, etc., are indicative of the actual designs but are the artist‘s impression and are subject to change without prior notice. The information on this page is intended to inform readers about who we are, our services, and the numerous initiatives we have undertaken. They are simply intended for general information and are flexible.

We appreciate you checking out the MaxMuellerInstitute India website and our privacy policy. We follow simple privacy policy that we never provide, share or trade any of the student or website visitors data to any third party unless you choose to provide us we do not save any of you personal data


To maintain privacy of our users is one of our top priorities at MaxMuellerInstitute . The information that the Website records, gathers and how we utilise the information, are mentioned in this Privacy Policy. You can contact us if you need more details about our privacy policy.

This privacy policy is specifically for our online activities and is meant for visitors to our website. It pertains to the information they provide or gather on the website. Kindly note that this policy does not extend to information collected through other channels, links or offline, unrelated to this website.

Data that we collect

At the time we request for any personal information of yours , we will clarify the reasons for doing so.

In case you get in touch or contact us, we might ask you for more information, like contact details, name, phone number, email address or any other details.


The Site is unable to provide and does not include [legal, medical, health, fitness, or other] advice. The [legal/medical/health/fitness/others] material supplied is for illustrative and educational reasons only, and should not be construed as advice from a professional.

Therefore, we advise you to speak with the right professionals before acting on such information. No [legal, medical, health, fitness, or other] advice of any type is offered by us. Your use or rely on any information on this site entirely at your own risk.

Policy for Email, SMS, and Call

We shall retain a record of the information you willingly offer us by electronic mail so that we can reply to you. When you fill out a form or register on our website, only we get your information. Additionally, you might be required to submit your name, email address, or phone number while completing a form on our website. We reserve the right to call, SMS, email, or use WhatsApp to communicate with you about our products and services in the event that you have provided your personal information and contact details—even if your phone number is set to DND.